⚠️ Warning ⚠️
This article was written 1 year and 2 months ago. The informations it contains may be outdated or no longer relevant.
While contributing on Sylius, I had to add a test for a fix.
There was already some behat test regarding the feature, but I had trouble to get ready to launch them in my own environment, and Makefile provided by Sylius didn't help me.
Here is how I proceed.
1. Launching Sylius in test mode
First, you need to be able to launch the sylius, but in Test mode.
In the docker-compose.yml
provided, I commented everything except the mysql
In my case, I have all php tools installed on my host, no need for others containers.
Once started, change the .env
to use it (ie adding password 😅)
And enable the test mode
Then, initialize correctly the database.
php bin/console doctrine:database:create
php bin/console doctrine:migration:migrate
php bin/console sylius:fixture:load -n
And finally, start the webserver thanks to Symfony binary.
symfony local:server:start -d
You can specify the port to start :
symfony local:server:start -d --port=8080
[!IMPORTANT] If the port is not on 8080, you'll have to modify the
2. Running a chrome in headless mode
I found this on the dmore/chrome-mink-driver readme.
Open a new terminal and start a new chrome headless :
google-chrome --disable-gpu --headless --remote-debugging-address= --remote-debugging-port=9222
Adjust binary to google-chrome-stable or google-chrome-unstable if needed.
3. Launch behat
Finally, you can launch behat
You can target directly the feature file you are editing, to avoid launching the huge test suite.
vendor/bin/behat features/checkout/addressing_order/sign_in_during_addressing_step.feature -n
If a test failed, you can find a screenshot and the html page in etc/build
If you have any Timeout like this,
It's probably the port is not the same in the behat.yml.dist
and the server you started.
You can change the port in the behat.yml.dist
# ...
files_path: "%paths.base%/src/Sylius/Behat/Resources/fixtures/"
base_url: "" # <-- HERE